La Maison, a training institution

La Maison, a training institution

written on the 15.07.2024

Interview with Adrien Gay: three questions about his professional conversion

The children at La Maison play with water balloons under the watchful eye of Adrien Gay.
The children at La Maison play with water balloons under the watchful eye of Adrien Gay.

Why did you want to do an internship at La Maison?

La Maison takes care of children who need various medical treatments, and this is a mission that is close to my heart. I have known this organisation since I was a child, so, naturally, I thought of doing an internship here with a view to enrol in the HES (University) in social work. I first graduated in bodywork painting but would like to switch to a more people-oriented profession.

What are the learnings of your internship?

My colleagues quickly valued my skills, which was very encouraging for me as I was discovering the world of social work. I also noticed to which extend the team at La Maison is caring. It really is a great example of humanity.

Why would you recommend doing an internship at La Maison?

We are trusted and certain responsibilities are given to us as interns. We are very well supervised and are welcome to talk to our colleagues about our experiences in certain difficult situations. The tasks are also very varied because we get to work in both social and health fields at the same time.

La Maison is looking for and will provide training for trainees.
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